The Adventures of Art Girl in TeacherLand

Hello and Welcome to my blog. I'm Ms. Holt and this is my first year teaching. I've taken the high school art position in Crocker, Missouri. This blog is part teaching tool and part journal.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Eye Candy, made by Me! is a wonderful and time consuming thing. I've now given hours of my life to the site. Here's my account, featuring my examples of projects my students are doing, and a handful of students' work. Go there or be square! Oh, and leave me comments! I heart comments!

Eye Candy

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Eye Candy

Fabulously sweet jewelry! Check out TinyCravings for some adorable, wearable, pretty enough to eat art.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Where would you like to go today?

How about Germany? Here's a really cool place to stay. This picture is of the "Symbol Room." Check the website for all the crazy cool rooms.