The Adventures of Art Girl in TeacherLand

Hello and Welcome to my blog. I'm Ms. Holt and this is my first year teaching. I've taken the high school art position in Crocker, Missouri. This blog is part teaching tool and part journal.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Eye Candy

Its amazing how beautiful something so simple can be. Take a look at Liquid Sculpture.

Monday, September 25, 2006

A Face with the Name

The name of the game is teaching. Every so often, with permission, I'll toss in a pic of my students. This is the lovely Miss Redde (class of '07, Yearbook) and Mr. Chris (class of 2010, Art 1). They were hanging out backstage during the Talent Show Friday night. I love them both. And Chris is stuck with me for the next three years. (evil laughing)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Where would you like to go today?

There's a mouse in every painting! Adam Stennett's paintings are an interesting study in photorealism. Check it out here.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Eye Condiments?

Here's something different. I find it infinately interesting to see what people deem worthy of collecting. I present the The Condiment Package Museum. Amazing what people can do.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Eye Candy

Artist Don Marco does some incredible artwork. Fantastic nature scenes and western art. But what makes him so different? All of his artwork is done with good ol' Crayola crayons.

Shout out to Erin, Clem, and all the others who were involved with the infamous "Buffalo Collection" at SEMO.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dear Diary

Yuck! Yucky yuck! I just got home from working Snack Shack at the HS softball game. It seems that at the end of last school year, the former Junior class left some kind of meat in the freezer. It rotted, duh, and wasn't cleaned out until about a week and a half ago. Thank gawd, I didn't have to do that.

But, the freezer still reeks of rotten meat. And given the bug / rodent problem, all the candy has to be stored in the freezer. When we unloaded the freezer today and hauled everything to the half finished shack by the softball field, the stank came with us. Eventually, I stopped noticing it. That is until I got home and realized I could taste the nasty stank in the back of my mouth. Yuck! Yucky yuck! I really need to get some baking soda for that freezer.

By the way, the hot dog is a Roy Lichtenstien.

Where would you like to go today?

What a fantastic image! Is it a painting, maybe some marbelized paper, a new type of computer art? Nope. That's an aerial, from space photo of Jau Park in South America. Check out the Earth as Art site for more fantastic images.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Where would you like to go today?

Another branch off traditional art, architecture. Here's a site that catalogs beautiful libraries around the world. This one is in Haag, Germany.